Electronic Filing
If you have your tax returns already prepared, bring them to us for e-filing. We input your tax returns into our computer program, which checks for many common errors and omissions. If errors are found on your returns, you will be notified and the returns will be corrected prior to transmission to the IRS/State. A corrected copy of your returns will be supplied to you for your records. No appointment is needed to bring in your completed tax returns for e-filing.
Notice: A Correction Fee to self-prepared returns of $50 will be imposed if the change in refund/tax due changes by more than $50.
Electronic Filing of Completed Business Returns
We also e-file business returns for Corporations, S-Corps, Partnerships, and LLCs. Due to the complexity of these returns, we have raised our price to $50 Federal and $50 State. Once the return is ready to be transmitted to the government, we will need you to come back in to sign the signature page authorizing us to e-file the return.